
Phones Are Good

Three escala Joan Collins


A atriz Joan Collins protagoniza novo filme que integra a campanha "Phones Are Good", da operadora de celular britânica Three, criada pela Gravity Road.

No comercial (assista abaixo), ela está a bordo de um iate de luxo e fala sobre os contratos com operadoras móveis como se fossem pretendentes românticos, incentivando os espectadores a "abandonarem e trocarem" suas redes pela Three.

"Having been married a few times, I can tell you now that staying with someone just to be in a relationship won’t make you happy. It took me a long time to find ‘the one’ because I was never ever going to settle for second best. The relationship you have with your mobile network shouldn’t be any different – when you start to feel unloved, dissatisfied and you can’t see past those niggles, it’s time to move on, darling"defende a atriz, no filme.

Ficha Técnica:

Director: Chris Faith

Founder: Mark Eaves

ECD: Seb Royce

Creative: Sophie Cullinane

Operations Director and Talent Lead: Jo Osborn

Planner: Hannah Slapper

Head of Publishing and Influencer: Alex Preece

Account Director: Sophie Christiansen

Senior Account Manager: Flora Lenon

Influence and Publishing Manager: Morgan Clark

Designer: Anoushka Schellekens

Producer: Kate Pirouet

Production Manager: Nurjan Nevzat

Phones Are Good
