
Gunn Report 2013

Os destaques desta edição


Confira abaixo alguns dos destaques do Gunn Report 2013, relatório que reúne rankings com as peças, agências, anunciantes, produtoras e países mais premiados do ano.

A lista é formatada após avaliação dos resultados de diversos festivais internacionais de publicidade, incluindo aí o Festival do Clube de Criação de São Paulo.

Os destaques brasileiros estão em negrito. Onde se vê o sinal = é porque houve um empate. 

The Most Awarded Commercials in The World in 2013

Metro Trains • Dumb Ways to Die (McCann Melbourne) triumphs in the Film table and also takes first place in Digital, second place in All Gunns Blazing and third equal place in Print. The most awarded campaign in the history of The Gunn Report.

2. Southern Comfort • Whatever’s Comfortable – Beach (Wieden+Kennedy, New York)

3. Carlton Draught • Beer Chase (Clemenger BBDO (Melbourne)

4= Axe • Susan Glenn (BBH, New York)

4= Leica M Monochrom Camera • Soul (F/Nazca Saatchi & Saatchi, São Paulo)


The Most Awarded Print Ads & Campaigns in The World in 2013

1. Expedia Travel • Luggage Labels campaign (Ogilvy & Mather, London)

2. Harvey Nichols Sale • Pelicans (Y&R Dubai)

3= Coca-Cola • #Cokehands (Ogilvy & Mather, Shanghai)

3= Metro Trains • Dumb Ways to Die (McCann Melbourne)

3= The Sunday Times Rich List • Rich List 2013 pool (CHI & Partners, London)


The Most Awarded Digital in The World in 2013

1. Metro Trains • Dumb Ways to Die (McCann Melbourne)

2. Nike+ Fuelband • Nike+ Fuelband (R/GA, New York)

3. Adidas Neo • Window Shopping (TBWAHelsinki)

4= Google / Lego • Build With Chrome (M&C Saatchi/Mark, Sydney)

4= The JFK Presidential Library & Museum • Clouds Over Cuba (The Martin Agency, Richmond VA)


The Most Awarded All Gunns Blazing in The World in 2013

1. Hemoba/Vitoria FC • My Blood Is Red & Black (Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo) – the most awarded campaign ever in All Gunns Blazing.

2. Metro Trains • Dumb Ways to Die (McCann Melbourne)

3. Nike+ Fuelband • Nike+ Fuelband (R/GA, New York)

4. Sports Clube de Recife • Immortal Fans (Ogilvy Brasil, São Paulo)

5. Samsung Life Insurance • The Bridge of Life (Cheil Worldwide, Seoul)


The Most Awarded Campaigns Across Tables 1 – 4 in 2013

1. Metro Trains • Dumb Ways To Die

2. Hemoba/Vitoria FC • My Blood Is Red & Black

3. Nike+ Fuelband • Nike+ Fuelband

4. Dove • Real Beauty Sketches

5. Australian Defence Force • Mobile Medic


The Most Awarded Countries in The World in 2013

1. USA

2. Australia break the 1 – 2 stranglehold that USA and UK have had for last 14 years.

3. UK

4. Brazil

5. France


The Most Awarded Advertisers in The World in 2013

Either Nike or Volkswagen has topped the table every one of The Gunn Report’s 15 years. This year it was Nike’s turn.

2. Volkswagen

3. Axe / Lynx

4. Coca-Cola

5. Google


The Most Awarded Production Companies in The World in 2013

First time at the top of the Table for Biscuit Filmworks (London, New York, LA)

2. Paranoid (Los Angeles, São Paulo)

3. MJZ (London, LA, New York)

4. Rattling Stick (London, Los Angeles)

5. Henry de Czar (Paris)


The Most Awarded Director in The World in 2013

Southern Comfort “Beach” (amongst many others) Director, Tim Godsall, is a clear winner.

2. Ringan Ledwidge (UK, USA)

3= Julian Frost (Australia)

3= Tom Kuntz (USA)

5= Steve Ayson (Australia, NZ, Thailand)

5= Marcos Kotlhar (Brazil)


The Most Awarded Agency in The World in 2013

A first time tie for first place - Wieden+Kennedy (Portland, New York) (who topped the table last year) and McCann (Melbourne) (first time in Top 50 table)

3. AlmapBBDO (São Paulo)

4. Ogilvy Brasil (São Paulo) (highest ever ranking)

5= BBH (London)

5= Clemenger BBDO (Melbourne & Sydney) (highest ever ranking)


The Most Awarded Agency in Digital in The World in 2013

Second time at top for R/GA (New York)

2. Forsman & Bodenfors (Gothenburg)

3. McCann (Melbourne)

4= AlmapBBDO (São Paulo)

4= Wieden+Kennedy (Portland, New York)


The Most Awarded Agency Network in The World in 2013

Rankings 1 to 4 are the same for the fourth year in a row but in a slightly different order. BBDO top the table for the eighth year straight.

2. Ogilvy

3. DDB

4. Leo Burnett

5. McCann (highest ever ranking) 


Leia sobre o Gunn Report 2012 aqui.

Gunn Report 2013
