
Hearts of Magic

Walmart transforma poema de funcionário em comercial


A rede de supermercados Walmart apresenta o comercial "Hearts of Magic" (assista abaixo), construído em torno de um poema otimista sobre solidariedade, assinado e declamado por Terrell Myles, gerente de departamento de uma das lojas da cadeia varejista.

Também conhecido como Trizz, o funcionário escreveu o poema como um "antídoto para os aspectos negativos do distanciamento social necessário para enfrentar a crise da Covid-19".

Os executivos da marca souberam do texto e decidiram filmar Myles declamando-o. A FCB acrescentou elementos de animação ao filme.

Confira abaixo o poema "Hearts of Magic":

"In times of darkness the sun still shines regardless
And I think that that's a reminder…that light will always harness
The power to break through fear
Dry tears
Right here
Our home
stays home
if we all just stay home
And cherish all the memories
And dreams left to fulfill
This one message that will
Reach cashiers at the till
Reach those stocking the shelves
Reach those asking for help
We play the cards we've been dealt…
But together I know that we have a betting chance
Socially distance but mentally we're holding hands
In this together whatever endeavor we will treasure the better times
And recognize that we are an important part in each other's lives
As I send this message to men women and children
This world is our home so we all should care for the building
The storm is raging on but sun shines after a blizzard
I'm a Walmart Whizard an associate with heart of magic
Like all my Walmart family together we make it happen
Live better together, together let's make it happen."

Hearts of Magic
